Toledo is the capital of the autonomous region of Castilla-La Mancha. It is a main touristic attraction due to its closeness to Madrid and historically has been the capital of the Visigoth Kingdom as well as Capital of the Spanish Empire until the XVI’th century.

Toledo is about 75 km south of Madrid (100km from Adolfo Suarez-Barajas Airport) and well connected by road (1 hour) and high-speed train AVE (25 minutes).

Traveling within MADRID:

If you arrive to Adolfo Suarez-Barajas Airport, you might choose one of the following options:

  • Taxi: There is a fix fare of 30€ for all the trips between the Airport and Madrid City Center (inner M30 ring). No extra fare should be charged. Trips to Atocha Train Station and Plaza Elíptica Bus Station are included in this fixed fare.
  • Metro: The Metro Stations Aeropuerto T1-T2-T3 and Aeropuerto T4 belong to Line 8 (Pink) and connect the different terminals of the Airport with Madrid Metro. There is a supplement fare for Metro trips that either begin or end at the Airport. The maximum fare for single trips is 5€.

    Metro Website

    Trip to Atocha Station (High-speed train connection) lasts 45 minutes.

    Trip to Plaza Elíptica Station (Bus connection) lasts 60 minutes.

  • Cercanías: Terminal 4 of Adolfo Suarez-Barajas Airport is connected, every 30 minutes, with Atocha Station by Short-Distance trains, Line C1, fare is 2.60€.
  • Cercanias Website

    Trip to Atocha Station (Hig-speed train connection) lasts 25 minutes.

Traveling to Toledo from Madrid:

  • High-Speed Train (25 minutes):
  • The best option to reach Toledo from Madrid is by the high-speed train AVE that leaves from the Puerta de Atocha Train Station. This station is connected with Atocha Metro Station as well as Atocha Cercanias Station.

    Full information regarding Timetables and Tickets is available at Renfe Website .

    Single trip fare is 12.90€

  • Bus (90 minutes):
  • Buses to Toledo leave from Plaza Elíptica Bus Station, connected to Metro Line 6 (Grey).

    Full information regarding Timetables and Tickets is available at Alsa Website.

    Single trip fare is 5.42€.

  • Taxi (90 minutes):
  • A taxi trip from Madrid to Toledo costs around 100-130€, there is no fixed fare; it will depend on the trip duration and will be measured by the taximeter.

Traveling within Toledo:

Toledo is upon a hill in a natural bend of the Tagus River. Walking with luggage is sometimes difficult.

  • Taxi:
  • Radio-Taxi Toledo. Tfno: +34 925 25 50 50 - + 34 925 22 70 70

    ServiTaxiToledo. Tfno: +34 925 66 50 60

    There is a fixed fare for traveling from Toledo High-Speed Train Station to Zocodover square 4,50€-5€.

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