M. Albareda Sambola, E. Fernández Aréizaga, F. Saldanha da Gama
In any two-stage stochastic program, the definition of the recourse action to make when the actual values of the random variables are revealed is of utmost importance. This work addresses this issue for the case of the Facility Location Problem with Bernoulli Demands. In particular, we analyze and compare four different recourse actions, associated with four alternative service policies. For each of them, we present a mathematical programming formulation. These formulations allow us to solve a large set of instances of the problem under each of the policies. Based on this computational experience, we analyze the value and the difficulties associated with the different policies. Finally, we perform a cross comparison of the associated solutions.
Palabras clave / Keywords: discrete location, stochastic programming, recourse actions
Sesión GT04-1: Localización (GELOCA-1). Organizador: Antonio Manuel Rodríguez Chía
29 de mayo de 2018 15:20
Sala 3