F. Perea Rojas-Marcos, M. Menezes, J. A. Mesa López-Colmenar, F. Rubio del Rey
In this talk we discuss on the computational complexity of transportation infrastructure network design problems, in the presence of a competing transportation mode. The objective is the maximization of the number of travelers using the new network to be built. We study the impact of two factors: the constraints that the new network should satisfy (budget constraint and no-cycle constraint), and the topology of the underlying network (a general network, and a forest). Five out of the six problems analyzed are NP-hard, whereas the sixth is trivial. Due to the complex nature of these problems, we propose a genetic algorithm, which is tested over a set of randomly generated instances.
Palabras clave / Keywords: transportation, networks/graphs, computational complexity
Sesión GT10-3: Transportation / Transporte-3 (TRANSPORTE-3). Organizador: Julio González Díaz
29 de mayo de 2018 12:20
Sala 4