A. Saavedra-Nieves, P. Borm, J. Schouten
Sequencing problems describe situations where several jobs have to be processed on a set of machines. An initial order for jobs is assumed and each of them have a specific cost function depending on its completion time. Zhao and Tang (2010) and Rustogi and Strusevich (2012) are examples of works on scheduling situations.
Cooperation in this class of problems is analyed. Curiel et al. (1989), Hamers et al. (1995) and Borm et al. (2002) illustrate sequencing situations for a single machine according to different criteria. In order to analyze them one deals with two common issues: (a) identify the optimal sequence for jobs, and (b) distribute the savings obtained from the reorder of the jobs among the agents. Issue (b) is approached using game theory.
In this work, we deal with sequencing problems where the exponential and logarithmic function determine the cost by the processing of each job. In particular, we obtain the optimal order and analyze the associated profit game.
Palabras clave / Keywords: sequencing situations, optimal order, cooperative games, convexity
Sesión GT06-1 Teoría de Juegos: Teoría de Juegos Cooperativos (JUEGOS-1a). Organizador: Juan Vidal-Puga
29 de mayo de 2018 15:20
Sala 4