A. Alonso-Ayuso, L. Escudero, M. Guignard, A. Weintraub
We present a model for the forestry planning problem with two levels of uncertainty and, then, two decision levels, namely, strategic and tactical ones. The strategic level (a time horizon of several years) considers uncertainty in the production of timber in the forests. This uncertainty is represented by a multistage stochastic scenario tree, where each time stage is divided into several periods (quarters, ...). Uncertainty on the timber price and demand is considered at the tactical level whose horizon is given by the stage periods. The tactical uncertainty is represented in a multiperiod two-stage tree rooted with the related strategic node in multistage scenario tree. The strategic nodes have associated decisions on the design of the logistic distribution, while each tactical node has associated decisions about the amount to be extracted from each stand and the distribution routes to follow to satisfy the demand. Results are presented based on real data from a Chilean forestry.
Palabras clave / Keywords: forestry planning, stochastic optimization, strategic and tactical planning
Sesión M04 Optimización y Combinatoria
30 de mayo de 2018 15:30
Sala 5