J. Abad-González, A. Pardo Fanjul
This paper describes the implementation and results of a classroom experiment related to Game Theory carried out during the last four academic years in a Business Administration Degree subject at the University of León. The experiment consisted of different games where the students had to work in pairs, and make decisions as if they were duopolists maximizing their profits under different scenarios. The outcomes of the different games would be used as work material in a conventional lecture and a multiple-choice test was used in order to evaluate the learning achievement of the students.
A multi-level regression model is used in order to assess the utility of the experience in terms of the results achieved by the students who participated in the experiment in comparison with those who did not. Results show that the experiment significantly improved the learning achievement of the students who participated in it.
Palabras clave / Keywords: game theory, classroom experiments, learning assessment, multi-level regression model
Sesión GT05-1: Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de la Estadística y la Investigación Operativa (GENAEIO-1). Organizadora: Mónica Ortega Moreno
29 de mayo de 2018 15:20
Sala 1