M. D. Ruiz-Medina, N. Leonenko
In this paper, non-central limit results are derived for non-linear functionals of stochastic processes in the torus (the circle), and of isotropic random fields in the sphere. In the random field case, the main motivation is the formulation of the asymptotic distribution of the first Minkowski functional subordinated to chi-squared random fields, at high resolution levels, in the two-dimensional sphere. These results are applied to the analysis of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation.
Palabras clave / Keywords: Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation, fixed domain asymptotic, non-central limit results, random fields, the torus, the two-dimensional sphere
Sesión V11 Procesos Estocásticos
1 de junio de 2018 17:20
Sala 4