Á. Marín Gracia, J. Velásquez, C. Saldaña
Modeling a territorial planning strategy for a system divided into subsystems: regions within a country, branches within an industry, fields in a rural zone, or sectors within a national region, require Mathematical Programming methods for the conflicts of goals resolution from the interdependence of the system components. It involves the design of integrated models for facility location, land use, transportation, etc. The methodology must consider factors as population location and growth, activity zones, employment, urban and rural transport, allocation of healthcare, education and other social services.
The optimization model using its constraints define a feasible set for multilevel programming analysis. Multilevel concentrates on coordinating the different decision levels attempting the best social choices. The coordination is given by a Generalized Dual Dynamic Programming. This implies a sort of nested hierarchy between a coordinator and the components of the system.
Palabras clave / Keywords: regional planning, land use planning, regional economics, city and rural logistics, land and facilities location, Generalized Dual Dynamic Programming
Sesión GT13-1 Desastres, Desarrollo y Sostenibilidad: Desarrollo Sostenible (DDS-1). Organizadora: Begoña Vitoriano
29 de mayo de 2018 15:20
Sala 2