F. G. Badía Blasco, D. A. Díaz-Plaza, A. Federgruen, C. Sangüesa Lafuente
In this talk, we study inventory models with nonlinear costs. In particular, we consider the compound renewal demand process with a random lead time (delay between orders and delivers). Under appropriate conditions on the demand process and on the random lead time, we justifiy the existence of optimal policies (such as an (s,S) policy). These conditions have to do with reliability properties of the random demand process and the random lead time and suitable stochastic ordering conditions on the accumulated demand evaluated at different points in time.
Palabras clave / Keywords: stochastic order, log-concavity, counting process, compound distribution, inventory model, stochastic lead time
Sesión GT12-2 Ordenaciones Estocásticas y sus Aplicaciones: Aplicaciones de los Órdenes Estocásticos a Fiabilidad (OEA-2). Organizador: Alfonso Suárez Llorens
29 de mayo de 2018 12:20
Sala 7