N. Torrado, N. Balakrishnan
Inequalities and stochastic comparisons, as well as aging notions are interesting due to applications in the study of reliability functions.
In the presentation, we give a brief description of different reliability measures and review some very well known stochastic orders, based on the comparison of these reliability measures. We present recent research on redundancies at either system or component level to improve the reliability of a system in the sense of some stochastic orders.
Palabras clave / Keywords: reliability, stochastic orders, redundancies, reliability systems
Sesión GT12-2 Ordenaciones Estocásticas y sus Aplicaciones: Aplicaciones de los Órdenes Estocásticos a Fiabilidad (OEA-2). Organizador: Alfonso Suárez Llorens
29 de mayo de 2018 12:20
Sala 7