M. Castro Ponce
Biological systems are formed by multiple processes that cooperate or compete with each other. Sometimes, these systems cannot be described as Markovian processes because waiting times in different discrete states are not necessarily exponential. Notable examples are the signaling times of a cell before a ligand or the production times of a new virus by an infected cell. In this work, we present a method, based on the theory of semi-Markov processes, that allows the construction of the distribution of non-exponential waiting times from a set of very general hypotheses. We also show how the combined use of non-exponential and phase-type distributions can be analytically worked out to obtain distributions of more complex processes.
Palabras clave / Keywords: non-exponential, biology, first-passage time, phase-type, analytical, competing risks
Sesión invitada SI05 Procesos Estocásticos: Modelización y Aplicaciones II (Organizador: Miguel González Velasco)
31 de mayo de 2018 09:00
Sala 1