F. García Castaño, M. Á. Melguizo Padial
We consider two theorems of Arrow, Barankin and Blackwell's type, one due to M. Petschke and another to X.H. Gong. Both results concern the approximation of the Pareto efficient points of compact convex subsets (in ordered normed spaces) by points that are maximizers of some strictly positive functional on this set. Later, A. Daniilidis stated that in ordered Banach spaces the former theorems become equivalent (after analysing the geometry of the corresponding order cone). However, --when the norm is not complete-- knowing whether or not such theorems are equivalent still remains as an open problem. In this talk we will state some results which provide an answer to such a question for a wide family of order cones enjoying some suitable geometric properties.
Palabras clave / Keywords: density results, Pareto efficient points, denting points, points of continuity, quasi-generating dual cones
Sesión GT11-4: Optimización Continua-4 (OPTIMIZACIÓN-4). Organizador: Javier Toledo Melero
29 de mayo de 2018 15:20
Sala 6