V. Blanco, E. Conde Sánchez, Y. Hinojosa Bergillos, J. Puerto
In this paper, we analyze the optimal planning of a subway network by mean of determining optimal timetabling for each of the lines as well as some characteristics of the vehicles involved in the planning. In our modelling
framework we consider, as usual in subway networks, that some of the lines share one or more (transfer) stations, affecting the flow of passengers moving from their origins to their destinations. A compact MINLP formulation
is provided to solve small size instances. In order to solve larger instances, we develop a math-heuristic strategy which provides good quality solutions at much smaller computation times.
Palabras clave / Keywords: transportation, planning, mixed integer non linear programming, math-heuristics
Sesión invitada SI06 Métodos Cuantitativos para Economía y Empresa (Organizador: Víctor Blanco)
31 de mayo de 2018 09:00
Sala 2