M. A. Puente del Campo, M. Domènech Blàzquez, J. M. Giménez
We introduce a subfamily of bisemivalues called (p,q)-bisemivalues and, as a particular case of it, we find the binomial bisemivalues, that extend the concept of binomial values to bicooperative games.
They provide tools to study not only games in abstracto (i.e. from a merely structural viewpoint) but also the influence of players' personality on the issue. In the (p,q)-bisemivalue case two parameters are used to cope with different attitudes the players may hold when playing a given game. For all player, we will attach to parameter p the meaning of generical tendency to support a player in his decision and to parameter q generical tendency to go against him.
We prove that their weighting coefficients are in geometric progression, the simplest form of monotonicity. We also give a computational procedure in terms of the multilinear extension of the game to calculate them.
Palabras clave / Keywords: bicooperative games, bisemivalues, multilinear extension
Sesión M03 Teoría de Juegos I
30 de mayo de 2018 10:50
Sala 5